Thursday, May 1, 2014

Red Velvet Rooibos

Drink: Red Velvet Rooibos
Type: Rooibos Tea
From: Anna Marie's Tea Shop
Price: $5.50 for 2 oz.**
Description: Comforting

This is my absolute favorite tea. I buy it by the pound - not even joking. My mother-in-law took me to a formal tea party at Anna Marie's in Liberty for my birthday last year and I've been hooked ever since. The best part is the quaint tea shop located in The Terrace Avenue Inn open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 124 S. Terrace Avenue. The ladies who work there are passionate about loose-leaf tea and make a real effort to value their customers. After choosing your tea from their wide array, they'll scoop and bag it while you browse tea accessories, snacks, and try whatever sample they have available.

The drink: aromatic, soothing, sweet.

This rooibos tea is naturally decaffeinated and has a smooth, chocolatey taste that's not overpowering. It's perfect to drink by the potful on a cold winter's night. I love pairing it with a few spiced cookies and a good book. This tea is best brewed at 212* for 5 minutes. I especially love that it doesn't leave the dry, tannin-y feeling in your mouth after drinking it in large amounts (a problem I've found with a lot of black teas).

Anna Marie's offers online ordering for self-pick-up or delivery. It's worth a bit of a drive into the historic part of Liberty, and (as many friends know) if you come to my house, this is the tea you'll likely be served. What I love most is the natural flavorings of the teas they sell at this shop. In this tea you can see the white and dark chocolate chips alongside sprinkles mixed in the red leaves. There's nothing I can appreciate more than straight-forward ingredients.

** 1 teaspoon per 8 oz. water


  1. Just last Tuesday I shared a pot of Red Velvet rooibos with a group of ladies as we met to discuss a charity event this August! Thank you so much Vanessa!

  2. You're very welcome - I'm so happy to share great tea shops as they're hard to find! Thanks for providing such a great experience!
