Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tom & Harry

Drink: Tom & Harry
Type: Alcoholic
From: Manifesto
Price: $
Description: Warming

This Kansas City version of the classic Tom & Jerry cocktail (similar to a hot egg nog) is named for Tom Pendergast and Harry Truman. Hot and milky, the drink is a perfect winter cocktail. The addition of Absinthe whipped cream is truly remarkable.

The drink: warm, spicy, smooth, creamy.

There's a nice bite from the alcohol that you wouldn't find in an egg nog or hot chocolate with a wonderful nutmeg flavor. The Absinthe whipped cream makes its way through the drink as you sip on it and adds lovely anise flavor. Come by Manifesto (located in the basement of The Rieger Hotel Grill & Exchange) sometime and check out this lovely winter cocktail.

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